We are still in a overall balanced market. tThe number of listings are going up and the number of sales are going down since last few months.

The residential property sales in May 2012 has 15.5% decline compared to May 2011.
May sales were the lowest total for the month since 2001.
Sales have been constant throughout the spring month.
New listings for detached, attached and apartment properties has 16.8 increase compared to May 2011.
New listings for detached, attached and apartment properties has 14.4 increase compared to April 2011.
The new listing in April 2012 was 15.3 % above the 10-year average for listings.

The sales to listing ratio is around 16%. The overall market is considered balanced.
[tube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPbbAx-P0Xk&feature=g-all-u[/tube]我們仍處於一個總體平衡的市場。 t加強聯網的房源數量和銷售數量在過去幾個月以來下來。2012年5月的住宅物業銷售有15.5%的跌幅相比,2011年5月。5月的銷售額為自2001年以來最低的總月。整個春天月份的銷量一直不斷。2011年5月相比,新上市的獨立屋,城市屋和公寓物業有16.8上升到2011年4月相比,新上市的獨立屋,城市屋和公寓物業有14.4增加在2012年4月新上市10年以上的房源平均為15.3%。到銷售房源的比例是16%左右。被認為是整體市場的平衡。
