by lotus | Sep 13, 2018 | Blogs, Information, Real Estate News
[:en] How much salary do you need to buy a detached house in Metro Vancouver? Price and Income Gap for Metro Vancouver House The information is interesting and show how unaffordable with the current household median income. From Least to Most Affordable... by lotus | Nov 19, 2014 | Blogs, Buying and Selling, Information
Vancouver Real Estate Knowledge base and Information Update Published on Nov 18, 2014 by CREA Mortgage default insurance is a protection for lenders who grant mortgages to buyers with less than a 20 per cent down payment. Mortgage default insurance does not...
by lotus | Dec 25, 2013 | Blogs, Information
Five Reasons Homes Not SOLD Most people believe there must be various reasons that a home doesn’t sell. In fact, from my view, there are actually only five primary reason fo it. If you manage to handle these five common mistakes, then you will never have a problem... by lotus | Apr 28, 2012 | Blogs, First time home Buyer, Information
Many first time home buyer asked me about the first time home buyers’ program. I captured the following information from B. C. Home and hope this can answer most queries. First Time Home Buyers’ Program Introduced in 1994, the First Time Home...